Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
To form diocesan and missionary priests, for the benefit of the universal Church and families on mission, we need your help. Participate in our mission by supporting the seminary!
If you prefer to donate via bank transfer, below you will find the coordinates.
With a recurring bank transfer or direct debit you can send your help every month.
Just fill out the form and send it to us.
By doing so, month after month, you help to train the priests of tomorrow!
It is also possible to make a donation directly online, using a credit card

Deposit/Bank transfer
Our account in Spain:
Beneficiary: APHS Redemptoris Mater Seminary of Tanzania
Entity: BBVA
Current account: ES45 0182 2067 8402 0157 6150
Concept: "Redemptoris Mater Tanzania"
Send a copy of the transfer to
Donations are channeled through the Redemptoris Mater Seminary of Tanzania Association for Human and Social Promotion, registered in the National Registry of Associations of Spain.
Direct Debit
(Only Espain)
Through direct debit you can make a donation periodically. For this it is necessary that you provide us with some information and we will contact you.